Saturday, April 10, 2010

Digital Detox Week

Between April 19th and 25th I will be unplugging myself from the digital world. As part of Adbusters' Digital Detox Campaign I will refrain from using my cell phone, computer, iPod, and television. Cold turkey! While I know I can do it, I believe a week without technology will be somewhat of a shock seeing as I often take it for granted. I will make notes throughout the experiment and blog about my experience after. I have a list of activities to keep myself occupied and bring myself back to nature and the simple things in life. I am very excited for this challenge and hope that you too will participate. The folks at Adbusters advise us to "take a week to cut back on digital stimulation as much as you can. The goal is not to dwell on the pitfalls of our electronic devices but to reflect on ourselves." Stay tuned for my sure to be insightful blog!

"Men have become the tools of their tools."
- Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

Sam said...

I feel if I tried this (which I could not do to a full extent since my cell phone is out only phone and since my phone is an iphone it also leads into iPod and instant access to the interwebs ...) I would know what it a Heroin addict would feel while going through with drawl. It is a little sd how addicted I am to technology, especially my phone and laptop ... I am ashamed. In an effort to join in this Digital Detox I will cut down the amount of useless time I spend on the internet. I am sure this will lead to a much more productive day/evening!

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