The concept of Buy Nothing Day (BND) was created by Ted Dave an artist from Vancouver in 1992. It is a day to analyze our consumption. Adbusters has backed this idea year after year and today it is celebrated in dozens of countries. Participators may partake in credit card cut up, dressing up as zombie shoppers, swap shopping, workshops, and whirl-mart.
I believe most critics of BND are ill-informed of its objectives. Its purpose is not to put businesses or people out of work or create a generation of non-consumers. BND aims to inspire society. It encourages people to critique their choices, differentiate between their needs and wants, reflect on the convenience in which we live today, and appreciate how fortunate we are. It is a day of fasting and thanksgiving. For one day, promoters ask us to be engaged with those living around us rather than possessions. Friends, family, neighbours, and nature are all around us and sometimes overlooked. Most valuable, BND stresses that "consumerism creates pleasure but not happiness."
Please join me on November 27th and save your money. Get outside, go for a walk, visit friends, start a journal, or write a letter instead of shopping.
If you are up for another challenge don't buy anything the following day as this is when Europe celebrates BND.
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